
Procurement Bid Items Tab

This table is where you enter the line items that will become schedule of values lines in the subsequent commitment. You can enter data by using the Add Line Button, the Add Items Button, and the Add Estimate Items button.
When you click the Add Estimate Items button a dialog opens displaying all of the line items from all of the estimates linked to the project selected in the header of the procurement record. (If "*All*" is selected in the Project field, all lines from all estimates are displayed in the dialog.)
Place a checkmark in the first column of each line you wish to link to and then click the Save button at the bottom of the dialog.
Procurement Bid Items Tab

Include in Bid

1. Include in Bid
If unchecked, the bid item only displays in the procurement record and does not display in the online bidding record.


4. Project
Project Field. It is possible to have a different project on each line.


6. Description
A description of the bid item

Scope of Work

7. Scope of Work

Bid Section

14. Bid Section
This is a user-defined drop-down list. See Lists.


15. Quantity
The quantity of the line.

Estimated Unit Cost

16. Estimated Unit Cost
The estimated unit cost of the line. This number does not appear in the online bidding record.

Estimated Total

17. Estimated Total
The default is Quantity times Est. Unit Cost, but may be edited. If this field is edited, Est. Unit Cost is recalculated as Estimated Total divided by Quantity. This number does not appear in the online bidding record.

Bidder Columns

18. Bidder Columns
Each bidder added in the Bidder Matrix tab will have a column here. Defaults to the Total Amount of the line in the linked online bidding record but may be edited. Editing this field does not change the online bidding record. Click the label (the vendor's name) to navigate to their online bidding record.
Click the button next to the label to open a dialog which displays totals for all of the online bidder's bid revisions. You can use this dialog to select the bidder's "Best Bid". See Procurement Manage Bids Tab for more information.
If highlighted in yellow, one or more bid items in the linked online bidding record has been leveled.  See Online Bidding Details Tab for more information about bid leveling.

Est. Line #

20. Est. Line #
Read-only. If you use the Add Estimate Items button to create the line, the estimate line # appears here.


21. Manufacturer