Default is unchecked. If this box is checked, each time a duplicate of a file is added to the folder PMWeb will automatically increment the Version field. This can be used in conjunction with the "Show Latest Versions Only" option in the File Actions dropdown in the Document Manager Header Toolbar.
Select a radio button to determine what happens when PMWeb detects that duplicate files are being added to the folder. A duplicates is a file with a name and extension that matches a file already saved in the folder. Options are:
Overwrite duplicate files - The previously saved file is deleted and the new file is saved
Skip duplicate files - The previously saved file is unchanged and the new file is not saved
Use this table to define custom attributes for the folder. Each time a file is added to the folder the Update File Dialog automatically prompts the user to enter file metadata for the attributes fields defined here. When you click the Add button a new line is added to the top of the table:
Type a name in the Attribute column and then select a data type in the Type field. Three checkbox options are available:
Required - Default is unchecked. If checked, the user is required to enter data in every attribute field for every file being added to the folder.
Unique - Default is unchecked. If checked, no two files in the folder can have exactly the same data in any of the attributes fields.