This tab displays a snapshot of one project at a time. Project data is refreshed each time the tab is loaded.
 Project Center Header Toolbar
 Project Fields
This section contains a subset of the fields found in the record in the Projects page. Three field labels are hyperlinks:
Clicking the Program label hyperlink - Navigates to the associated record in the Programs page
Clicking the Project ID* label hyperlink - Navigates to the record in the Projects page
Clicking the Location label hyperlink - Navigates to the associated record in the Locations page
 Navigator Section
This section displays PMWeb record types and counts of the number of records of that type that are pending and approved. Click the hyperlink to navigate to the Manager Page for the record type, filtered for the project. The record types that appear in this section can be configured in the My Settings Page.
 Schedule Chart
This chart shows the target start and finish (the blue bar - taken from the data entry fields shown on the left side of this page) vs. the projected start finish (the orange bar - taken from the early start and finish in the project schedule). Click the pencil icon to navigate to the project schedule in the Schedules page.
 Budget Chart
This chart shows the target budget (the blue bar - taken from the data entry field shown on the left side of the page) vs. the anticipated cost (the orange bar - calculated as the sum of Original Project Budget and Project Budget Changes in the Cost Ledger). Click the pencil icon to navigate to the most recently used Cost Worksheets page.
 Custom Fields Section