The PMWeb Asset Explorer is a visual representation in tree form of everything you own and/or manage. It is interactive, allowing users to navigate to records, create new records, and move records.
Expand/Collapse Icon
This is a toggle button. Click once to collapse the Asset Explorer and again - - to expand it.
This is an equipment record. Right-click to open a flyout menu:
Rename - Allows you to type a new name for the equipment record in the tree without navigating to the equipment record
Open - Navigates to the equipment record
Delete - Deletes the equipment record from the database
Add - Opens this flyout menu:
Location - Inserts a location at the bottom of the tree. Type a name for the new location and press ENTER to save.
Building, Floor, Space, and Equipment - Inactive at this level
You can left-click on an equipment record and drag and drop it on a different location, building, floor, or space. As soon as you release the mouse after the drag and drop the equipment record is moved out of its old placement and moved into its new one. (See Equipment Moves Tab)
This folder appears if one or more projects is linked to the asset by listing it in the Linked Assets section of the projects record. Double-click on a project to navigate to it in Portfolio/Lists/Projects.
If the space has one or more occupants, this folder appears in the tree. See Asset Management/Assets/Spaces/Spaces Occupants Tab for information about managing occupants.
This is a lease. It appears if the record is listed as the primary asset in the Linked Assets section of the lease record. Double-click on the lease to navigate to it in Asset Management/Leases/Leases.