
In To Table

In To Table

Record Type Field

1. Record Type Field
Select a PMWeb record type from the list

Download Template Link

2. Download Template Link
Click this link to open a Web page from which you can download the an Excel workbook formatted as a template for the file you will be bringing into PMWeb.

Map Fields Link

3. Map Fields Link
Click this hyperlink to open the Map Fields Dialog

File Path* Field

4. File Path* Field
Required. Enter the path where the Integration Manager Web service will find the input files

Enable Auto Receive Checkbox

5. Enable Auto Receive Checkbox
Check this box to include the line each time the scheduler runs

Delete Previous Checkbox

6. Delete Previous Checkbox
If this box is checked, each time the Integration Manager Web service is run, all PMWeb records created previously by this line and this profile will be deleted and replaced with records from the latest input file.