
Collaborate Tab Actions Section

Use this section of the Collaborate tab to take an action: make a comment, select a review complete action, and add attachments. Enter information in each section and then click the Save button for the action to take effect.
Collaborate Tab Actions Section

Section Expand/Collapse

1. Section Expand/Collapse

Comment Radio Button

2. Comment Radio Button
If you select this radio button and then click the Save button:
  • A line will be added to the Collaborate Tab Log Section including comments you entered and attachments you added
  • If configured, email messages will be sent to selected people
  • Your team member progress will be marked as "Comment"
  • The record will still appear in your collaborate inbox and you will be able to take further collaboration actions

Review Complete Radio Button

3. Review Complete Radio Button
If you select this radio button and then click the Save button:
  • A line will be added to the Collaborate Tab Log Section including comments you entered and attachments you added
  • If configured, email messages will be sent to selected people
  • Your team member progress will be marked as "Review Complete"
  • The record will disappear from your collaborate inbox and you will not be able to take further collaboration actions, unless you are issued a new invitation to collaborate on the same record.

Response Field

4. Response Field
This field only appears if you select the Review Complete radio button. The selection here will appear in the Response field in the log. Response Field

Save Button

5. Save Button
After selecting either the Comment or Review Complete radio buttons you must click this button for the action to take effect.

Comments Field

6. Comments Field
Type comments about your action here. Comments will be logged and, if configured in Portfolio/Setup/Email Templates/Collaboration they will appear in the collaboration email message.

Drop Files Here to Upload Box

7. Drop Files Here to Upload Box

Selected Section

8. Selected Section

Browse to Upload Button

9. Browse to Upload Button