
Document Manager Header Toolbar

Document Manager Header Toolbar

Search Record Button

1. Search Record Button

Upload File Button

2. Upload File Button

File Actions Button

3. File Actions Button
Clicking this button opens this dropdown menu:
  • Upload - Opens the Add Files Dialog
  • Download - Downloads the currently selected file to your device following the protocols of your operating system
  • Copy - Copies the currently selected files to your device's clipboard
  • Paste - Pastes the files copied using the Copy command into the currently loaded folder
  • Check In - Only available if one file is selected. Opens the Update File Dialog
  • Check Out - Applies "Checked Out" status to currently selected files. Checked out files cannot be overwritten except by the user who checked them out.
  • Cancel Check Out - Removes "Checked Out" status from the currently selected files without requiring an upload of replacement files
  • PMWeb Viewer - Only available if one file is selected. Creates a new PMWeb Viewer record linked to the currently selected file.
  • Delete - Opens this confirmation dialog:
If you click the OK button all currently selected files will be deleted.
  • Show Latest Versions Only - This is a toggle setting which persists until the user changes it. With it toggled on only the highest version number in the folder for each document will be displayed in the Document Manager Header Table. With it toggled off all versions of all files in the folder will be displayed.

Refresh Table Button

4. Refresh Table Button

Save Layout Button

5. Save Layout Button

Load Default Layout Button

6. Load Default Layout Button