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Workflow Tab

If a record is configured to use PMWeb Visual Workflow (see Workflow) this tab automatically appears in it. This tab is used to take workflow related actions on the record, including the initial submission of it, and a log of all actions is kept here.
Workflow Tab

Workflow Tab Label

1. Workflow Tab Label
The numbers in parentheses indicate the progress of the record. In this example, the record is currently at the 4th step of a 4 step workflow. In this calculation, only highest-level steps (not those within branches) are counted.

Section Expand/Collapse

2. Section Expand/Collapse

Section Expand/Collapse

6. Section Expand/Collapse

Section Expand/Collapse

9. Section Expand/Collapse

Section Expand/Collapse

12. Section Expand/Collapse

Attachments Section

14. Attachments Section
Use this section to add attachments before taking a workflow action. Drag electric fioles and drop them on the green box or click the Select button to browse for attachments.
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