
Equipment Header Fields

Equipment Header Fields

Equipment ID* Field

1. Equipment ID* Field
Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.

Name* Field

2. Name* Field

Current Location* Field

3. Current Location* Field
Required. When adding a record use this dropdown tree to select the current location of the equipment. This can be a location, building, floor, or space. Saving the record creates a move-in record in the Equipment Moves Tab. After the record is saved this field becomes read only and shows the current location from the Moves tab.

Component Of Field

4. Component Of Field

Equipment Type Field

5. Equipment Type Field

Ownership Field

6. Ownership Field

Function Status Field

7. Function Status Field

Condition/Date Fields

8. Condition/Date Fields

In Service Date Field

9. In Service Date Field

Status Field

10. Status Field

Track use by Field

11. Track use by Field
UOM Field. This is the unit of measure for most of the fields in the Predictive Maintenance Section and the Equipment Log Tab.

Or By Days Checkbox

12. Or By Days Checkbox
Maintenance due can be calculated from usage data entered in the Equipment Log Tab or the Components Tab or by keeping a simple count of elapsed calendar days since the last maintenance. If this box is checked, elapsed days are used to calculate life remaining in the Components Tab. If unchecked, log information is used instead.

Service Interval Field

13. Service Interval Field
Enter the units between service for the equipment, either in the units of measure selected in the Track use by field or in days if the Or By Days checkbox is checked.

Last Service Field

14. Last Service Field
Enter the usage at the time of last service here. If an Approved Work Orders record linked to this equipment record has a Current Usage greater than this number this field is updated when the Work Order is saved (resetting the maintenance cycle, in effect).

Service Due Field

15. Service Due Field
Read only. Service Interval plus Last Service.

Current Usage Field

16. Current Usage Field
Read only. If Or By Days is unchecked, this is the latest reading from the Equipment Log Tab. If there are no readings in the log, this is 0.00. If Or By Days is checked this is TODAY minus In Service Date. If In Service Date is empty, this is 0.00.

Life Remaining Field

17. Life Remaining Field
Read only. Service Due minus Current Usage.

% Remaining Field

18. % Remaining Field
Read only. Life Remaining divided by Service Interval times 100. If Service Interval is 0 this is 100%.

% Remaining Chart

19. % Remaining Chart
Read only. The gray bar represents 100% of life. The green bar represents % Remaining.

Image Gallery

20. Image Gallery

Linear Definition Section

21. Linear Definition Section