
Layouts Button

Layouts are saved settings applied to make grids look a certain way. Layouts can be created and saved by individual users - as described below - and by system administrators in the Grids & Sub-grids Tab in Settings.
Click this button to open a dropdown menu:
Layouts Button

-- System -- Default Layout

1. -- System -- Default Layout
Every grid has a default system layout that cannot be deleted. If this layout is currently loaded a green checkmark icon will appear in the gray column.

Custom Layout Section

2. Custom Layout Section
All of the custom layouts you have access to will be displayed in this section. If a layout is currently loaded a green checkmark icon will appear in the gray column.
Click the flyout button to the right of a custom layout and then click the Edit Custom Layout button to open the Grid Layout Dialog.

Save Button

3. Save Button
Click this button to save the layout as it appears in the grid. If the currently loaded layout is "-- System --", clicking this button opens the Grid Layout Dialog so you can name your new custom layout. If the currently loaded layout is a custom one, clicking this button automatically saves your changes without opening the dialog.

Save As Button

4. Save As Button
Clicking this button creates a copy of the currently loaded layout and opens the Grid Layout Dialog.

Delete Custom Layout Button

5. Delete Custom Layout Button
If the currently loaded layout is a custom one, clicking this button permanently deletes the layout and loads the "-- System --" one.