Use this page to view, add, and edit calendar events for individual PMWeb users. The calendar can be accessed from Portfolio/Calendar and can also be displayed in a tab on the
User Home Page. Defaults for this page can be configured using
Calendar Setup.
 Events Section
Drag event types from this table and drop them on the calendar to create a new event of that type. The types that appear in this table are defined in the Calendar Setup page.
 Navigator Section
Use this section to navigate within the calendar.
 Calendar View Buttons
Click these buttons to change the view of the calendar. Data is not changed, just the view.
This section shows the selected calendar view and all of the scheduled events for the user.
Events can be added by:
Dragging and dropping lines from the Events table. When you drop an event type on the calendar the Edit Event Dialog automatically opens.
Right-clicking on the calendar and selecting "new Event" from the context menu. The Edit Event Dialog automatically opens.
Saved events can be edited by:
Right-clicking on the event and selecting "Edit" from the context menu.
Double-clicking on the event.
Events can be rescheduled by dragging them to a new day and dropping them. The duration of an event can be changed by dragging the resize handle. Events can be deleted by clicking the delete button that appears when you hover over a task.
 Project Selector List
If you select a project in this list only events linked to that project will be displayed in the calendar.
 Display My Assignments Checkbox
If this box is checked records assigned to the user via the Assign Button will be displayed as events in the calendar.