
Cost Level Values Dialog Table

Cost Level Values Dialog Table

ID* Field

1. ID* Field
Required. An ID for the level. The number of characters entered must be less than or equal to the number in the # Characters field in the Cost Level Values Dialog Header.

Description* Field

2. Description* Field

Text 1 Field

3. Text 1 Field
An optional field of text. This field can be used to store metadata about the level for use in custom queries and reports or for importing/exporting using one of the integration tools.

Text 2 Field

4. Text 2 Field
An optional field of text. This field can be used to store metadata about the level for use in custom queries and reports or for importing/exporting using one of the integration tools.

Account Field

5. Account Field
Values in this list are defined in Portfolio/Lists/Lists/Advanced / Account. This field can be used to store metadata about the level for use in custom queries and reports or for importing/exporting using one of the integration tools.

Close Button

6. Close Button
Click this button to close the dialog.