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Current Location Companies Tab

This tab is used to display companies, departments, and contacts. Add one or more companies to the tab by selecting them in the dropdown list, select the record(s) you want to move in the tree by checking the box next to it, drag it to the Destination tab, and drop it on a new location. As soon as you drop the record a line is added to the Move Plans Details Tab Table. Also see Current Location Companies Tab.
Current Location Companies Tab

Select Company Dropdown

1. Select Company Dropdown
This displays a list of all active Companies that have "Occupant" checked. Select a company in the list to add it - and its departments and contacts - to the tab.

Company Section

2. Company Section
This section shows all of the companies selected using the dropdown list. To move a company, check the box to the left of it and drag it to the Destination tab.

Department Section

3. Department Section
This section shows all of the departments for the companies selected using the dropdown list. To move a department, check the box to the left of it and drag it to the Destination tab.

Contact Section

4. Contact Section
This section shows all of the contacts for the companies selected using the dropdown list. To move a contact, check the box to the left of it and drag it to the Destination tab.
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