Generate Payment Schedule Dialog
Use this dialog to quickly create any number of equal
payments from the original value of a contract or commitment. When you save and exit the dialog PMWeb creates one new record in A/R or A/R Payments for every line in the table in the dialog. To use the dialog:
Enter a number or transactions
If you check the Use Dates field use the Dates section to configure payment dates
Edit the data in the table if you wish, including adding or deleting lines
Click the Save & Exit button. The Payments Tab of the contract is displayed.
 Save & Exit Button
 Cancel Button
 Contract Data Section
Read only. Contract data. Information from the contract or commitment the dialog opens from. The Original Value field serves as the basis when payments are calculated.
 # of Transactions Field
Enter a number greater than "0". When you click the Calculate button this number of lines will be added to the table.
 Use Dates Checkbox
If you check this box the Dates section appears and PMWeb can calculate dates for each payment. If this box is unchecked the Date and Period fields on each line in the table will default to empty.
 Create Button
Click this button to automatically calculate and add payments to the table. This button is only available if the table is empty.
 Configure Dates Fields
Use these fields to configure date settings to be used when payments are calculated. This section is only visible and used if the Use Dates field is checked.
 Use Periods Checkbox
If this box is checked PMWeb attempts to match the date of the payment to the period to which it belongs and place the result in the Period field in the table. If it cannot find a match in the project's Periods it leaves the Period field empty.
 Add Line Button
 Delete Line Button
 Line # Field
Read only. The order of entry of lines in the table.
 Date Field
 Period Field
 Record Number* Field
Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record. If you use the Calculate button PMWeb prefills this field for you as the ID of the contract and a sequential number beginning with "1".
 Transaction Type Field
Read only. The type of transaction that will be created. Currently, this will always be "Payments".
 Description Field
An alphanumeric description of the transaction. If you use the Calculate button PMWeb prefills this field for you as "Payment" and a sequential number beginning with "1".
 % Field
The percentage of the contract's original value for the line. If you edit this field the Amount field is recalculated.
 Amount Field
The currency amount of the line. If you edit this field the % field is recalculated.