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Adjustments Tab Table

Adjustments Tab Table

Column* Field

1. Column* Field
Required. Defaults from the adjustment but may be edited. Adjustment Fields

Adjustment Group Field

2. Adjustment Group Field

Adjustment Field

3. Adjustment Field
Read only. A sequential number assigned by PMWeb.

Description Field

4. Description Field
Defaults from the adjustment but may be edited. Description Field

Currency Field

5. Currency Field
If the New Line checkbox is unchecked, this field is locked. In that case the currency will be that of the blended line in the Details tab table. If the New Line checkbox is checked, a currency can be selected here.

% Field

6. % Field
If the adjustment is calculated as a percentage of Details tab lines enter the percentage here. If the Manual checkbox is checked, any percentage entered here is ignored.

Cost Type Field

7. Cost Type Field
The selection here determines which lines in the Details tab serve as the basis for adjustment calculations. This is a multi-select dropdown list and includes the standard Type Field values as well as:
  • *All* - include all lines in the Details tab as the basis of adjustment calculations, whether they include a cost type or not
  • (No cost type) - include only lines in the Details tab as the basis of adjustment calculations that do not contain a cost type

Cumulative Checkbox

8. Cumulative Checkbox
If this box is checked, when adjustment amounts are calculated the basis will include all adjustment amounts from lines above the current one in the Adjustments tab table.

Calculated Amount

9. Calculated Amount
This is a preview of the adjustments calculation based on current data in the Details tab table and the Adjustments tab table. If the Manual checkbox is unchecked, when adjustments are calculated (see Adjustments Tab Toolbar), this amount will be transferred to the Details tab table.

Manual Checkbox

10. Manual Checkbox
Check this box if you want to make an adjustment using a fixed currency amount rather than a calculated percentage.
If this box is unchecked, PMWeb will calculate the adjustment line using the % field and, when adjustments are calculated (see Adjustments Tab Toolbar), the Calculated Amount will be transferred to the Details tab table. If this box is checked, the Adjustment Amount will be transferred instead.

Adjustment Amount Field

11. Adjustment Amount Field
If the Manual checkbox is checked, the amount in this field will be transferred to the Details tab table when adjustments are calculated. See Adjustments Tab Toolbar.

New Line Checkbox

12. New Line Checkbox
If this box is checked, when the adjustment is calculated it will create a new line for it in the Details tab table, rather than blending it into Details lines.

Cost Code Field

13. Cost Code Field
If the New Line checkbox is checked, the Details tab table line corresponding to this adjustment will be posted to this cost code. If the New Line checkbox is unchecked, this field is ignored.

Adjustment Company Field

15. Adjustment Company Field
Defaults from the adjustment but may be edited. Company Field

Group Company Field

16. Group Company Field
Defaults from the adjustment but may be edited. Company Field

Adjustment Type Field

17. Adjustment Type Field
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