System lists are provided by default and for which you can define custom values. System lists appear throughout PMWeb in various record types. The folder tree is used to view, add, delete, rename, and make values inactive. Once it is made inactive, a list value can no longer be selected to use in records (it is hidden in the dropdown list). Making a list value inactive has no effect on records that have already used the list value.
 Make All Active/Inactive Checkbox
Check or uncheck this box to make all values in the list active or inactive, respectively.
 List Folder
The name of the system list. The name of the field cannot be edited here but may be changed using the language manager features of the PMWeb Admin Utility. The text in parentheses for some system lists is the name of the record type in which the data field appears.
Right click on this folder to open a context menu:
Rename - Disabled for system lists. Use the language manager features of the PMWeb Admin Utility to edit the name of the data field associated with the system list.
Make Inactive - Toggles between "Make Inactive" and "Make Active". Unchecks or checks all values in the list.
New Item - Appends a new value to the list. Type a name for the value and press ENTER to save.
New List - Disabled for system lists. See Specification Lists for information about creating new lists.
Delete - Disabled for system lists. See Specification Lists for information about deleting lists.
 Active/Inactive Checkbox
Check or uncheck this box to make the value active or inactive, respectively.
The value as it will appear in the dropdown list. Right click on the value to open a context menu:
Rename - Click to open the value for editing. (This can also be achieved by double-clicking on the value.) Type a new value and press ENTER to save.
Make Inactive - Toggles between "Make Inactive" and "Make Active". Unchecks or checks the value.
New Item - Disabled here. Right click on the List Folder to add a value to the list.
New List - Disabled for system lists. See Specification Lists for information about creating new lists.
Delete - Deletes the value from the list.