Suites allow you to not only track all of your assets in detail but also combine them in the way that you normally lease them. Not only is this convenient – you can, for instance, simply drag & drop a Suite into a Lease – it also allows you to develop a leasing history of the Suite. Leasing history can include data such as occupancy rates, market versus actual lease income, income per area and much more. Note that defining Suites is an optional step. Suites are not required to create Leases.
Leases can be linked to suites using the Linked Assets Section in the Leases Details Tab.
 Suites Header Toolbar
 Suites Header Fields
 Suites Details Tab
 Suites Leases Tab
Read only. This tab displays Leases in which the suite is listed as the primary asset.
 Specifications Tab
 Notes Tab
 Attachments Tab
 Collaborate Tab