This tab displays all of the currency based transactions related to the lease. Transactions can be added to the tab in several ways:
By using the Add button in the toolbar and directly editing the ledger line
Only transactions created by using the Add button can be edited here. All other transactions are read only.
 Date Field
 Transaction Source Field
Read only. A system list. The list includes:
Lease - A transaction created in the Ledger tab using the Add button
Payments - A transaction created from Payments
 Type Field
Read only. A system list. The list includes:
Charge - A transaction with a zero or positive Amount
Credit - A transaction with a negative Amount
 Invoice Field
A text field
 ID Field
If the transaction was not created directly in the Ledger tab a hyperlink to the linked record appears in this field.
 Description Field
 Amount Field
A currency field
 Balance Field
Read only. This is a running balance for all of the transactions displayed in the Ledger tab.
 Due Date Field
 Days Overdue Field
Read only.
 Cost Code Field
Cost Code Field. The dropdown list displays the cost codes for the operating project for the location selected in the header of the lease.
 Cost Period Field
Period Field. The dropdown list displays the cost periods for the operating project for the location selected in the header of the lease.
 Notes Field
 Workflow Status Field
Read only. If the transaction is an invoice or payment the status of the linked record is displayed here.
 System ID Field
Read only. A sequential number assigned by PMWeb.
 Batch ID Field