  • 3D Viewer
  • Adjustments
  • Advanced Multi-currency
  • Bid Leveling
  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
  • Funding
  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

Funding Requests Header Fields

Funding Requests Header Fields

Year Field

1. Year Field

Funding Source Field

2. Funding Source Field

Record #* Field

4. Record #* Field
Required. Enter an alphanumeric ID for the record.

Description Field

5. Description Field

Status Field

6. Status Field

Reference Field

7. Reference Field

Currency Field

8. Currency Field

Category Field

9. Category Field

Revision Field

10. Revision Field

Date Field

11. Date Field

Post As Field

12. Post As Field
This is a system list. The choices are "Revised Funding" and "Original Funding" (the default). This is a notational field that can be used to separate funding request amounts on reports.

Funding By Field

13. Funding By Field
13. Funding By Field
The choice you make here determines the levels of funding you can select in the Funding Requests Details Tab Table.
  • If you select "Portfolio" (the default) you can select any program and project in the table.
  • If you select "Program" a dropdown list appears and you are required to select a program. All lines that you add to the table will be locked at that program and you will only be able to select projects within it.
  • If you select "Project" a dropdown list appears and you are required to select a project. All lines that you add to the table will be locked at that project.
If any lines exist in the Funding Requests Details Tab Table the Funding by section is locked.
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