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Move Plans Header Fields

Move Plans Header Fields

Code* Field

1. Code* Field
Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.

Description Field

2. Description Field

Reason Field

3. Reason Field
A text field

Scheduled Date Field

4. Scheduled Date Field

Status Field

5. Status Field

Move Type Field

6. Move Type Field

Estimated Cost Field

7. Estimated Cost Field
A currency field

Project Field

8. Project Field

Schedule Field

9. Schedule Field
Select a to link to from the dropdown. This list is filtered by the selection in the Project field. The linked schedule determines what tasks are available to be selected in the Move Plans Details Tab Table.

Current Location Occupants Tab

10. Current Location Occupants Tab
This tab displays the current location of occupants - companies, departments, contacts - and equipment for a selected location. Select a location using the dropdown list, find the record you want to move in the tree, drag it to the Destination tab, and drop it on a new location. As soon as you drop the record a line is added to the Move Plans Details Tab Table. Also see Current Location Companies Tab.

Current Location Companies Tab

11. Current Location Companies Tab

Destination Tab

12. Destination Tab
This tab displays possible locations to move to. Select a location using the dropdown list, find a record in the Current Locations Occupants tab (see above) or the Current Locations Companies Tab, drag it to this tab, and drop it on a new location. As soon as you drop the record a line is added to the Move Plans Details Tab Table.
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