This tree represents a user defined folder structure. Use the tree to locate files you wish to work with as well as to build the folders themselves. Files from one folder can be selected in the
Document Manager Header then dragged and dropped into another folder in the tree.
 Configure Tree Button
Clicking this button activates Edit mode:
Place a check in the box next to each folder or record you wish to view in the tree and then click the Save Tree button to save your changes and exit Edit mode.
 Folder Icons and Labels
This is the name of the folder followed in parentheses by the number of files within the folder. The orange highlight indicates that the folder is currently loaded in the Document Manager Header. Regular folders use this icon . Folders to which you have subscribed use this icon .
Right click the folder to open a context menu:
New Folder - Creates a new folder directly beneath and at the same level as the folder you right clicked on
Rename - Opens the folder label in the tree for editing. Press ENTER after you have finished typing the new label.
Unsubscribe - Immediately removes you from the subscription list for the folder
Copy Folder URL - Opens this dialog:
Use the CTRL+C key combination to copy the folder's URL to your device's clipboard
Copy Folder - Copies the folder to your device's clipboard. This includes the folder, it's configuration options (see Edit Folder Dialog) as well as all files within the folder that are not currently checked out
Paste Folder - Pastes the folder copied using the Copy Folder command as a subfolder of the folder you right clicked on
Delete - Opens a confirmation dialog:
If you click the OK button the folder and all of its files will be deleted
 Resize Bar
The right edge of the tree pane is a resize handle. Hover over it until you see a two headed cursor, click, and drag left or right to make the tree wider or narrower.