Leveled Total
PMWeb procurement allows you to level bids to more precisely compare them to others. In the leveling process you can enter one or more adjustments to each bid item to bring it in line with the assumptions that competing bidders made. Importantly, these adjustments are all saved as new transactions. You can always see and revise the leveling adjustments you made while preserving the integrity of the bidder’s original data.
The bidder never sees any leveling information. As they enter their bids the Total Amount is automatically copied into the hidden Leveled Total field. Bid managers can subsequently visit the online bidding record, view the Leveled Total field and edit it, as described below.
To level a bid item, click the button in the Leveled Total field in the online bidding. The Bid Leveling dialog opens with the current data for that bid item displayed.
Use the spreadsheet to enter one or more adjustment lines. Adjustments can be positive or negative and for each you can record a description and explanatory notes. As you save lines in the spreadsheet the recap fields at the top of the dialog will be updated as will the chart at the bottom of the dialog. The estimated recap shows the data that came from the procurement record. The bid recap shows what was entered in the online bidding record. The leveled recap shows what was entered in the dialog.
Note: In the Leveled recap, UOM, Quantity and Unit Price will only show data if the UOM on all lines in the spreadsheet match the UOM of the bid item. Leveled Total will always be updated.
The chart at the bottom of the dialog shows each bidder’s data for the bid item. The gray bar represents the bid Total Amount. The colored bar represents the Leveled Total.