Generate Recurring Charges Dialog
Use this dialog to create a number of recurrences of a parent charge in the
Leases Charges Tab.
 Save to Lease Button
Click this button to save the lines shown in the Preview table to the Leases Charges Tab and close the dialog.
 Cancel Button
 Parent Line Table
Read only. This grid displays the detail fields of the parent line for the recurring charges.
 Frequency Dropdown
A system list. The choices are:
 # Of Recurrences Radio Buttons
Use the radio buttons to select either Until or # Of Recurrences.
Until - If you select this button enter a cutoff date or select one using the calendar picker
# Of Recurrences - If you select this button enter the number of recurrences or use the spinner buttons
The settings in this section determine how many lines will be added to the Preview table when the Create Recurrences button is clicked.
 Escalation Options Section
Use this section to calculate escalations, if applicable. Use the radio buttons to select either Fixed Amount or Percentage.
Fixed Amount - If you select this button enter a currency value by which the charges will be escalated in the Preview table.
Percentage - If you select this button enter a percentage by which the charges will be escalated in the Preview table.
If you do not wish to escalate the charges select either button and leave the fields at "0".
 Create Recurrences Button
Click this button to calculate the recurrences and display them in the Preview table. Note that this button is only available if the Preview table is empty.
 Add Line Button
Click this button to add a line to the Preview table. This can be done as a supplement to, or instead of, using the Create Recurrences button.
 Delete Line Button
Select one or more lines in the Preview table and then click this button to delete them, before they are added to the lease.
 Preview Table
This table displays the charges that will be added to the lease when the Save to Lease button is clicked. Lines can be added to this table by using the Create Recurrences button and/or the Add button. Lines created using either function can be edited here, before adding them to the lease.
Disallow charge overlaps - If this setting is checked PMWeb will not allow you to save recurring charges with a space between the End of one charge and the Start of the next.
Disallow charge gaps - if this setting is checked PMWeb will not allow you to save recurring charges where the End of one charge overlaps with the Start of the next.