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Dispatch Board

Drag Work Orders from the table at the bottom of the page and drop them on resources to create appointments. See also Configure Dispatch Boards. Appointments created here can update the Work Orders Resources Tab.
Dispatch Board

Board Selector Dropdown

1. Board Selector Dropdown
Select a dispatch board to load in the page. See Configure Dispatch Boards for information about creating dispatch boards.

Map View Button

2. Map View Button
Click this button to open the Map View in a dialog box.

Time Orientation Buttons

3. Time Orientation Buttons
Click these buttons to format the dispatch board in different time orientations

Time Navigator Controls

4. Time Navigator Controls
Use this section to view a specific day, week, or month in the dispatch board

Unassigned Column

5. Unassigned Column
This column is found in all dispatch boards. Dropping a work order in this column does not assign it to a resource or create a work order appointment. It is usually used as a temporary storage area.

Resource Columns

6. Resource Columns
Resource columns. Drop work orders here to create work order appointments for the resource. The resources that appear here are determined by settings in the Configure Dispatch Boards page.

Work Order Appointment

7. Work Order Appointment
A work order appointment is created by dropping a work order from the table on a resource column. Appointments can be lengthened or shortened by dragging the resize handle. Appointments can be dragged from one resource column and dropped on another and dragged up or down in a column to change the start and finish times. Double click on an appointment to navigate to the Work Orders record.

Resize Handle

8. Resize Handle
When you hover over the resize handle the mouse cursor changes to a two headed arrow. Click and drag up or down to lengthen or shorten the appointment.

Show 24 hours... Toggle

9. Show 24 hours... Toggle
Click this button to override the Default Hours setting in the Configure Dispatch Boards page. Click a second time to return to the default hours.

Work Orders Toolbar

10. Work Orders Toolbar
Under-dispatched Only - If this box is checked, only work orders where Estimated Hours are greater than Dispatched Hours will be shown in the Work Orders table.
Layouts - Layouts Button

Work Orders Table

11. Work Orders Table
Drag work orders displayed in this table and drop them on resource columns to create work order appointments. Use sorting, filtering, and grouping to find specific work orders and use the Layouts Button to save data views. Click the hyperlinks in the Record, Location, and Project fields to navigate to those records.
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