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  • Date Field
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  • Revised Units/Values

Define Checklists

Use checklists to list, assign, and monitor the completion of, an unlimited number of tasks that need to be performed for a record. Each task can be comprised of an unlimited number of steps. Checklists defined here can be dragged and dropped into the Checklists Tab of records.
Define Checklists

Define Checklists Header Toolbar

1. Define Checklists Header Toolbar

Checklist Type Field

2. Checklist Type Field

Checklists ID* Field

3. Checklists ID* Field
Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.

Description Field

4. Description Field

Tasks Table

5. Tasks Table
Use the Add button to create as many checklist tasks as you wish. Fields include:
  • Task - Read only. The order that the task appears in the checklist. This field can be indirectly edited by dragging and dropping up or down in the table.
  • Task ID - An alphanumeric ID for the task
  • Description - Description Field
  • Task Type - Type Field
  • Skills Field - Skills Field
  • Notes Field - Notes (Memo) Field
  • Optional Checkbox - Place a check in this field to note the task as optional

Steps Sub-table

6. Steps Sub-table
Use this sub-table to create an unlimited number of steps per task

Notes Tab

7. Notes Tab

Attachments Tab

8. Attachments Tab
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