  • 3D Viewer
  • Adjustments
  • Advanced Multi-currency
  • Bid Leveling
  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
  • Funding
  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

Snapshot Dialog

Use this record to preview a snapshot of the current view of a model in the 3D Viewer tab of a Model Manager record and then perform an action based on it. The action is taken when you click the OK button.
Snapshot Dialog

Action Radio Buttons

1. Action Radio Buttons
Select one of these actions:
  • Attach to the current record - Adds the current view to the Attachments tab of the Model Manager record as a .png file.
  • Attach to different record(s) - Adds the current view  to the Attachments tab of one or more PMWeb records. When you click this radio button the Link Records Dialog opens.
  • Create an email - Opens the Notifications Dialog to a new message with the current view - in .png file format - already selected in the Select To Attach To Email section.
  • Print - Opens the current view in the print dialog of the browser.
The selected action takes place when the OK button is clicked.

Description Field

2. Description Field
A default name for the attachment file which you can edit if you wish.

OK Button

3. OK Button
Click this button to execute the action selected above.

Cancel Button

4. Cancel Button
Click this button to close the dialog without taking any action.
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