Escalation Details Dialog
Fields with colored backgrounds are recalculated each time the Calculate button is clicked or any field is edited (if "Auto-calculate" is selected) unless you lock them by clicking the Lock icon.
 Save & Exit Button
 Cancel Button
 Calculate Button
Click this button to recalculate the fields with colored backgrounds. Locked fields will not change.
 Auto-calculate Checkbox
If this box is checked, each time any field is edited the fields with colored backgrounds will be recalculated. Locked fields will not change.
 Index Field
 Next Index Fields
When you select a value in the list the currency value is automatically filled for you by looking up the date line in the selected index.
 Previous Index Fields
When you select a value in the list the currency value is automatically filled for you by looking up the date line in the selected index.
 % Change Field
 % Of Index Change Field
Enter a percentage of the index change to use in the escalation. The default is 100%.
 Escalation % Field
Calculated as % Change times % Of Index Change. Click the unlock icon to directly edit the field and then click the icon again to lock that value.
 Base Fields
When you select a value in the list the currency value is automatically filled for you. See Lease Charges Details Dialog for information about escalation bases.
 Preliminary Escalation Field
Calculated as Escalation % times Base amount. Click the unlock icon to directly edit the field and then click the icon again to lock that value.
 Lower Threshold Field
 No Lower Threshold Checkbox
If checked, the entry in the Lower Threshold field is ignored and not used in calculations.
 Upper Threshold Field
If checked, the entry in the Upper Threshold field is ignored and not used in calculations.
 No Upper Threshold Checkbox
If checked, the entry in the Upper Threshold field is ignored and not used in calculations.
 Escalation Amount Field
This is a calculated field. If Preliminary Escalation is:
between Low Threshold and Upper Threshold - this defaults to Preliminary Escalation
below Low Threshold - this defaults to Low Threshold
above Upper Threshold - this defaults to Upper Threshold
To override the calculation, click the icon to unlock the field, enter a new value, and then click the icon again to relock.
 Current Amount Field
Read only.
 New Amount Field
Calculated as Base plus Escalation Amount. Click the unlock icon to directly edit the field and then click the icon again to lock that value.