Use this page to create combinations of
Adjustments. Adjustment groups can be dragged into records, thereby adding multiple adjustments with a single action. See the Adjustments Tab topic for information about dragging adjustment groups into records.
An adjustment can appear in multiple groups but it can only appear once within each group.
 Select Record Dropdown
 Search Record Button
 Add Record Button
 Save Record Button
 Delete Record Button
 Print Button
 ID* Field
Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.
 Description Field
 Company Field
 Adjustment Group Type Field
 Inactive Checkbox
Check this box to mark the group as inactive. Inactive groups are not available to add to records.
 Notes Field
 Group By Dropdown
The selection here determines how the tree is grouped. The choices are:
None - Adjustments appear in the tree with no grouping
Column - Adjustments appear in the tree grouped by the column - "Adjustment 1", "Adjustment 2", or "Tax" - that they are associated with
 Adjustments Tree
This tree displays all active adjustments that have not yet been added to the adjustments table in this group. Drag adjustments from this tree and drop them on the table to add them to the group.
 Delete Button
Select one or more lines in the table and then click this button to remove the adjustments from the group.
 Adjustments Table
All fields in the table are read only. Drag adjustments from the tree and drop them here to add them to the group.