This tab is used to define the WBS structure for the project and to view all of the records that contain a WBS node.
 WBS From Dropdown
These are the options:
(Portfolio) - If you select this option the system level default WBS is linked to the record and cannot be edited. See Portfolio/Setup/ WBS for information about creating the system level default WBS.
Program - If you select this option the program's WBS is linked to the record and cannot be edited. See Portfolio/Setup/ WBS for information about creating program WBS.
Project - If you select this option you can create a WBS for the record from scratch.
 WBS Tree
If you select "(Portfolio)" or a program in the WBS From field this tree is read-only and displays the WBS from the chosen level. Double click any node in the tree to see a list of all of the PMWeb records that contain the node in the Records Table.
If you select "Project" in the WBS From field you can build the record's WBS in the tree. Right click a node to display the context menu:
Select "Add WBS". The node entry field displays:
Type a Code* if you wish, or accept the default - PMWeb will automatically number each node for you. Enter a description and then click the Save button or press ENTER to save the node and close the entry field:
 WBS Levels Dropdown
This dropdown only appears if you double click a node in the WBS tree. Select one or more WBS levels in the dropdown list to filter the records displayed in the table.
 Refresh Button
 Layouts Button
 Records Table
Double click any node in the WBS tree to see a list of all of the records which contain that node in this table. Click the Record Number hyperlink to navigate to the record.