  • 3D Viewer
  • Adjustments
  • Advanced Multi-currency
  • Bid Leveling
  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
  • Funding
  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

Shared Assets

Drag Reservation Requests from the table at the bottom of the page and drop them in the scheduler section to assign them to assets.
Shared Assets

Asset Level Filter Dropdowns

1. Asset Level Filter Dropdowns
Use these dropdown lists to filter the asset levels that appear in the scheduler

Asset Type Filter Checkboxes

2. Asset Type Filter Checkboxes
Select one of these to filter the asset type that appears in the scheduler

Scheduler Start Finish Time Fields

3. Scheduler Start Finish Time Fields
This determines the start and end times shown in the scheduler in Week and Timeline view

Time Orientation Buttons

4. Time Orientation Buttons
Click these buttons to format the scheduler in different time orientations

Time Navigator Controls

5. Time Navigator Controls
Use this section to view a specific day, week, or month in the scheduler

Assets Section

6. Assets Section
This section shows the spaces or equipment - depending on the box checked above - that appear in the selected location, building, and floor


7. Scheduler
Drag lines from the Reservation Requests table and drop them here to assign them to assets. You can click an assignment bar and drag and drop right or left and up or down in the scheduler. Click on the resize handle on the right or left edge of the assignment bar and drag drag to change the duration of the assignment. If you hover over the assignment bar the delete X appears in the right corner of the bar. Clicking the delete X removes the bar from the scheduler and returns it as a line in the Reservation Requests table. Double clicking an assignment bar opens the record in the Reservation Requests page.

Reservation Requests Table

8. Reservation Requests Table
This table shows Reservation Requests that have not yet been assigned. Drag lines from this table and drop them in the scheduler to assign them.
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