PMWeb Word Templates Dialog
PMWeb Word merges data from records into predefined templates. Use this dialog to select a template to use and an output format. This dialog is opened by selecting "PMWeb Word" from the
Print Button dropdown menu.
 Merge To PDF Button
Click this button to merge the record data into the currently selected template and create a PDF file. A dialog opens in which you can select printing options before generating the PDF.
 Merge To Excel Button
Click this button to merge the record data into the currently selected template, then create, download and open an MS Excel file. The file is automatically saved on the Attachments tab of the record.
 Merge To Word Button
Click this button to merge the record data into the currently selected template, then create, download and open an MS Word file. The file is automatically saved on the Attachments tab of the record.
 PMWeb Word Button
Click this button to merge the record data into the currently selected template, then open the merged document in PMWeb Word's online editing window. The file, and edits to it, are automatically saved on the Attachments tab of the record.
 Send Email Button
Click this button to merge the record data into the currently selected template, create a PDF file, open a new PMWeb email message with the PDF attached.
 Cancel Button
Click this button to close the dialog without taking further action.
 Templates Table
This table displays all of the templates linked to the record type in Portfolio/ PMWeb Word. Click the magnifying glass icon to preview the template with data from the record merged into it. Click on the line to select it before clicking one of the action buttons in the toolbar.
 Preview Section
Click the magnifying glass icon in the Templates table to preview the template with data from the current record merged into it.