Risk Analysis Details Tab Table
Every risk line can contain multiple contingency response lines which appear in a sub-table. (Click the down arrow next to the table line to expand and view the sub-table.) The fields in the table and sub-table are virtually identical.
 Line # Field
 Attachments Field
 Risk Field
 Type Field
 Responsible Field
 Probability Field
 Impact Field
 Probability Value Field
Enter a number here
 Impact Value Field
Enter a number here
 Cost Field
Enter a currency value
 Delay Field
Enter a number
 Risk Impact Field
Enter a number
 Risk Cost Field
Enter a currency value
 Risk Delay Field
Enter a number
 UOM Field
 Task Field
 Notes Field
 Action Field
 Rating Field
 Notes2 Field
 Use Checkbox
Check this box to include this line in risk calculations, including the chart in the header.