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Drawing Lists Header Toolbar

Drawing Lists Header Toolbar

Select Record Dropdown

1. Select Record Dropdown

Search Record Button

2. Search Record Button

Add Record Button

3. Add Record Button

Save Record Button

4. Save Record Button

Delete Record Button

5. Delete Record Button

Copy Record Button

6. Copy Record Button

Notification Button

7. Notification Button

Print Button

8. Print Button

Generate Button

9. Generate Button
Transmittals can be generated from this record. Click the Generate dropdown arrow and then click "Transmittal" in the list. A linked Transmittal is automatically created and opened.
You can also use the Generate button to create revisions of multiple Drawing List records at once. Click the Generate dropdown arrow and then click "Multiple Revisions" in the list. The Generate Multiple Revisions dialog opens:
The dialog lists all Drawing List records for the current project. All fields in the table are read only except the New Revision and New Date fields. Note that the New Revision suggests the next sequential revision number and New Date defaults to today. Place a check next to each record you wish to create a revision for. When you click the Save and Close button the new Drawing List records are created and the Generate Multiple Revisions dialog closes.

Import Button

10. Import Button
You can create multiple Drawing List records by importing them from an Excel spreadsheet. Click the Import dropdown arrow and then click "Records" in the list. The Import Dialog opens.

Assign Button

11. Assign Button
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