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Workflow Tab Template Section

Use this section to view the defined business process in chart form.
Workflow Tab Template Section

Roles/Names Radio Buttons

1. Roles/Names Radio Buttons
Select a radio button to either display roles in the approver steps in the chart or the names of users in the roles.

Role Step

2. Role Step
Rectangles indicate steps involving users, also called role steps. Left click on rectangles to open a read only view of the Define Role Step Dialog.

Approval Indicator

3. Approval Indicator
The green arrow indicates an approval action.

Branch Rule Button

4. Branch Rule Button
Click this icon to drill down on the branch rule step:
Use the two arrow icons on the left to navigate back up the branch rule chain. This button navigates up one level and this one navigates all the way back to the top level .

Branch Rule Step

5. Branch Rule Step
Lozenge shapes indicate branch rule steps. Left click on lozenges to open a read only view of the Define Branch Rule Dialog.

Progress Indicator

6. Progress Indicator
The heavy orange border indicates that the workflow is currently at this step.
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