Use this dialog to select which fields will be included in an Integration Manager output file. Fields in the dialog are determined by the selection made in the Record Type field of the
Out From Table.
 Field Order Field
Read only. This number determines the field's position in the output file. This number cannot be edited directly but, when lines are not in edit mode they can be dragged up and down in the table to reorder them.
 Type Field
Read only. This field indicates that the field is from the header ("H") or the details ("D") of the record.
 Send Checkbox
Place a check in this box to include the field in the output file.
 Field Field
Read only. This is the system name of the field.
 Alias Field
This is the name of the field as it will appear in the output file. By default it matches the system name but it may be eidted.
 Custom Value Field
If you add a line to the table you can define a custom Alias for it and enter a custom value to appear in that field here.
 Save and Close Button
Click to save your edits and close the dialog.
 Close Button
Click to close the dialog. You will lose any unsaved changes.