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Initiatives Estimate Tab

This tab allows you to link one or more estimate records to the initiative. The linked estimate lines can be in addition to, or instead of, lines entered on the Details tab. Estimate lines are included in the Totals section in the header of the initiative record and in the Generate functions described in Initiatives Header Toolbar. All fields in the table are read-only. See Estimate Details Tab Table for information about the fields in the table.
Initiatives Estimate Tab

Link Estimates Button

1. Link Estimates Button
Click to open the Link Estimate(s) dialog.
The dialog displays all estimate records for the initiative. Place a check in the first column to link the estimate to the initiative and click the OK button. The dialog closes and the lines from the linked estimate(s) appear in the table on the Estimate tab. To unlink one or more estimates, reopen the Link Estimate(s) dialog, uncheck them, and click the OK button.
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