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  • Date Field
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  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

Leases Charges Tab

The Charges tab is where you create unlimited charges to be applied to the lease over the course of its life. Charges can be basic or advanced and each can begin and end on dates you specify.

Basic Charges

All charges, whether basic or advanced, start as lines in the Charges tab. Charges can be created on the fly by clicking the Add button or pre-defined charges can be dragged & dropped to add them to the lease. The Start, End and Post Every fields are used in automatically posting charges over the lifetime of the lease. See Lease Administrator for more information about automatic posting. Charges with a Cost Code will be posted to the Cost Ledgers. Each charge can be linked to one or more of the linked assets and can be made Inactive when needed.

Advanced Charges

To make a charge an advanced one, click the button in the Amount field to open the Lease Charges Details dialog. Use the dialog to activate a charge’s Escalations, Recoveries or Overages component by clicking the light bulb icons. Note that only one component can be active at any one time for each charge.
Escalations are adjustments to charges – up or down – over the lifetime of a Lease. Escalations can occur once or reoccur periodically. They can escalate by fixed percentages and amounts or be tied to Consumer Price Indexes.
Recoveries charge back expenses to clients. Recoveries can be based on one of several calculation methods, including:
  • A fixed percentage
  • The number of current leases at the moment recovery occurs
  • Number of units at the location
  • The Common Area percentage defined in the header of the Lease
  • The Rentable Area percentage defined in the header of the Lease
  • The Usable Area percentage defined in the header of the Lease
Recoveries can be linked to one or many Cost Codes. As costs accrue to linked Cost Codes they become eligible to be charged back to tenants via the Recoveries process.
Overages are charges calculated as a percentage of a tenant’s gross or net income. PMWeb can calculate Overage charges for you using custom matrices that feature up to 15 currency breakpoints and associated percentages.


Note that two settings in Portfolio/Setup/Settings/General Settings Locations Tab directly bear on the entries in this table:
  • Disallow charge overlaps - If this setting is checked PMWeb will not allow you to save recurring charges with a space between the End of one charge and the Start of the next.
  • Disallow charge gaps - if this setting is checked PMWeb will not allow you to save recurring charges where the End of one charge overlaps with the Start of the next.
Leases Charges Tab

<TODO : Control Name>

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2. Edit field

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3. Edit field

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4. Edit field

Edit field

5. Edit field

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8. <TODO : Control Name>
Check this box to note that the amount is an estimated amount.

Edit field

9. Edit field

Edit field

10. Edit field

Edit field

11. Edit field

Edit field

12. Edit field
Ext. Cost Field. A number can be entered here (for a basic charge) or you can use the Lease Charges Details Dialog to define and advanced charge by clicking the button in the field.

Edit field

13. Edit field
Read only. The Amount converted to a yearly figure. If the charge is monthly, for example, this is calculated as Amount times 12.

Edit field

14. Edit field
Read only. Calculated as Annualized divided by Rentable in the header.

Edit field

15. Edit field
Cost Code Field. The cost codes that appear here belong to the selected operating project for the location. See Locations.

Edit field

16. Edit field
Read only. The date the charge was last posted using the Lease Administrator.

Edit field

17. Edit field
This field is automatically updated each time the charge is posted using the Lease Administrator but it can also be manually updated here.

Edit field

18. Edit field
Read only. For future use.

Edit field

19. Edit field
With the line in edit mode click the button to open the Link Asset(s) dialog.
The dialog displays the assets selected in the Linked Assets section on the Leases Details Tab. Place a checkmark in one or more assets to note that the charge line is related to them.

Edit field

21. Edit field
Read only. If they selected a predefined Lease Charges record this field displays the ID of the predefined charge.

<TODO : Control Name>

22. <TODO : Control Name>
Check this box to mark the charge as inactive. Inactive charges are not considered for posting or updating using the Lease Administrator. This field can be automatically updated by the Lease Administrator as well.

Edit field

23. Edit field
Read only. A sequential ID assigned by PMWeb.

Edit field

24. Edit field
Read only. If this is part of a series of recurring charges this field shows the System ID of the base charge. This includes the base charge line itself.
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