This page displays work orders for which there are one or more
Dispatch Board appointments scheduled for the locations and dates shown in the toolbar. Each work order shown in the table that has a Google Address (see
Work Orders Details Tab) will appear as a point on the map. Click the map point to open a dialog that shows the work order, the resources assigned, and the dates of their appointments.
 Interactive Map
Use the toolbar to set the map view or the interactive tools within the map. By default, PMWeb loads the map view last defined in the toolbar.
 Map Point Dialog
Click a map point to view resources assigned to the work order and the dates of their appointments. Click the hyperlink in the dialog to navigate to the Work Order record.
 Map View Toolbar
Use the toolbar to define a default map view. Click the refresh button on the left to load the view in the map.
 Work Orders Table
This table displays all work orders for which at least one dispatch board appointment exists within the location and date parameters set in the toolbar.