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  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
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  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

Clauses Dialog

This dialog is used to add lines to the Clauses tab in records. To use this dialog:
  • Group the cost codes tree as you wish
  • Make selections in the Defaults section
  • Drag clauses or groups from the tree on the left and drop them on the table on the right
  • Click the Save button
Clauses Dialog

Group By Field

1. Group By Field
The selection here determines how the clauses tree is grouped.

Clauses Tree

2. Clauses Tree
A list of Clauses associated with the record type. Click one or more clauses or groups, drag them to the table on the right, and drop them.

Default Section

3. Default Section
Use this section to configure defaults for the selected clauses .

Delete Button

4. Delete Button
Select one or more lines in the table and click this button to remove them.

Clauses Table

5. Clauses Table
Drag clauses or groups from the tree on the left and drop them here.

Save Button

6. Save Button
Clicking this button copies the clauses into the record and closes the dialog.

Cancel Button

7. Cancel Button
Clicking this button closes the dialog without copying any clauses into the record.
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