Section Expand/Collapse
 Based On* Field
Required. This is a system list. Select "Projects", "Locations", or "System".
 Program* Field
Required. This list is filtered by the Based On field.
 Project* Field
Required. This field is filtered by the Program field.
 Org Chart ID* Field
Required. An alphanumeric ID for the record.
 Description Field
 Status Field
 Revision Field
 Recap By Field
This determines how data is subtotaled in the Recap Section. Select "Category" or "Resource Type".
 Default resource category from Field
This determines how the resource's Category is calculated when you drop them on a group in the chart. Select "Group Default" or "Resource's Title".
 Display Resource IDs in chart Checkbox
If checked, the resource ID is displayed next to the resource's name.
 Allow a resource to be added more than once Checkbox
If checked, a single resource can be added to more than one group.
 Recap Section
Read only. This section counts the resources assigned in the tree and subtotals them according to the selection in the Recap By field.