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  • Revised Units/Values

General Settings Projects Tab

This help topic is currently under development. Please check back soon for the latest updates.
Use this tab to configure general settings related to project based records.
General Settings Projects Tab

Projects Tab

1. Projects Tab
This tab contains general settings that are related to project based records.

Entities Dropdown

3. Entities Dropdown
Use this dropdown to select a project, a program or "*All*". The settings you define in the table below will be applied to all records at the level you select here.

Group By Bar

4. Group By Bar
Use this bar to group the settings table if you wish. To remove grouping, drag the button off the grouping bar.

Save Button

5. Save Button
Click this button to save the settings in the table.

Settings Table

6. Settings Table

Group: Budgets

Enable funding allocation in Budget
Enable Funding Allocation in Budget Request
Don't exceed Anticipated Budget by total
Don't exceed Anticipated Budget by cost code
Include pending budget records in the Anticipated Cost calculation
Deduct costs from Owner Budget
Enable Multi Project Journal Entries
Enable Multi Project Budget Requests
Sync Owner/Project budget

Group: Change Management

Enable funding allocation in Commitment CO
Enable funding allocation in Change Event
Cost code required in Change Order transactions
Cost code required in Change Event (budget) transactions
Cost code required in Change Event (cost) transactions

Group: Contracts

Enable funding allocation in Commitment
Cost code required in Commitment transactions
Carrying Commitment Line Details when revised
Enable revised units in Contracts
Enable revised units in Commitments

Group: Funding

Don't exceed Funding
Don't exceed Funding Authorizations
Include pending funding records
Include pending funding authorizations records

Group: Invoices

Enable funding allocation in Progress Invoices
Enable funding allocation in Miscellaneous Invoices
Show unit cost average in Requisition subtotals
Show unit cost average in Progress Invoice subtotals
Allow editing previous Progress Invoices
Allow concurrent invoicing in Progress Invoices
Allow editing previous Requisitions
Allow concurrent invoicing in Requisitions
Cost Code required in Miscellaneous Invoice transactions

Group: Portfolio

Allow users to ONLY select Companies associated with the Project

Group: Procurement

Can change settings by bid
Sealed bid
Lock Online Bids after Bids Due
Include Days Column in Online Bids
Include MWDBE % Column in Online Bids
Include Manufacturer Columns in Online Bids
Show Bid Due Countdown Clock
Include Bid Item UDFs in Online Bids
Require Acknowledgements
Lock Quantity in Online Bids
Require Non-Disclosure Agreement

Group: Scheduling

Hide Completed Tasks in Lists
Group Tasks List By

Group: Timesheet

Fill Timesheet Description From Cost Code
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