Use this tab to create Automated Process Management (APM) rules that can examine the content of records and assign them to the correct business process.
 Select Level Bar
 APM Rules Explorer
The tree shows folders for each record type for which APM rules can be created and saved branch rules within the folders. Right click on a record type folder and select "Add APM Rule" from the flyout menu to create a new rule already linked to the record type. Right click on a saved rule and select "Duplicate APM Rule", "Edit Rule", or "Delete Rule" from the flyout menu. You can also left click on a rule to load it for editing.
 APM Rules Tab Header Toolbar
 APM Rules Header Fields
Select the record type with which the APM rule is associated. This cannot be changed once the rule has been saved. The choice here determines what fields will be available to add to the expression.
 Rule ID* Field
Required. An alphanumeric ID for the rule.
 Rule Name Field
 Use This BPM Template Field
If the expression evaluates as true, the business process selected here will be applied when the record is submitted into workflow.
 Currency Field
Select a currency from the dropdown list. Currency type fields in the Expression table will be converted to the currency selected here before the APM rule expression is evaluated.
 Fields Tree
This tree shows the fields which can be evaluated in an APM rule expression. The fields displayed vary depending on the record type (shown in the root folder). Click a field in the tree, drag it to the Expression table and drop it. A line is added to the bottom of the table with this field in it.
 Expression Table
This table is used to build a logical expression which will be evaluated when the rule is invoked. If the expression is this table evaluates as true the selected business process will be applied to the record.
To build an expression, drag fields from the tree on the left and drop them on the table. A new line with that field in it will be added to the bottom of the table. Click one or more lines to select them and then click the Edit button to open them for editing. Complex expressions, including nested segments, can be created using the Left Brackets, And/Or, and Right Brackets fields. The operators available to select from the dropdown list and the edit tools in the Value field will vary depending on the data type of the selected field.
To delete lines, click one or more lines to select them and then click the Delete button.
 Roles Tab
 Business Processes (BPM) Tab
 Record Types Tab