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Bluebeam Markups

The objective of the PMWeb Bluebeam integration is to allow users to select one or more PDF files in Document Manager or an Attachments tab and launch a Bluebeam review session. Markups and comments from the Bluebeam session are sent to PMWeb. Marked-up PDFs are saved back to PMWeb when the Bluebeam session is closed.
Unlike most PMWeb records, Bluebeam Markups records can only be created using the steps described below - they cannot be created directly within the Bluebeam Markups page.
To create a new Bluebeam session from PMWeb:
1. Select one or more eligible PDF files in either a Document Manager folder or an Attachments tab. To be eligible a file must
a. Be the correct format of PDF
b. Not already be in a Bluebeam session
c. Not be checked out
d. Not be in Workflow
e. Not have a Status of “Approved”, “Rejected”, or “Withdrawn”
2. Click the Bluebeam button in the toolbar. The Bluebeam Gateway dialog opens.
3. Enter your Bluebeam credentials and then click the Log In button. The Grant Access dialog opens.
4. Click the Allow button. The Select Companies/Contacts dialog opens.
a. Type a name for the session in the Bluebeam Session Name field
b. Select one or more lines in the PMWeb Companies/Contacts table to act as session participants. (This is optional – participants can also be invited inside the Bluebeam session but they will not necessarily be PMWeb contacts.)
c. Click the Create Bluebeam Session button in the dialog header. Bluebeam Revu opens in a new session with the selected PDFs
Bluebeam Markups

Bluebeam Markups Header Toolbar

1. Bluebeam Markups Header Toolbar

Bluebeam Markups Header Fields

2. Bluebeam Markups Header Fields

Bluebeam Markups Details Tab

3. Bluebeam Markups Details Tab

Bluebeam Markups PDF Files Tab

4. Bluebeam Markups PDF Files Tab

Specifications Tab

5. Specifications Tab

Checklists Tab

6. Checklists Tab

Scoring Tab

7. Scoring Tab

Ratings Tab

8. Ratings Tab

Notes Tab

9. Notes Tab

Attachments Tab

10. Attachments Tab

Collaborate Tab

11. Collaborate Tab

Notifications Tab

12. Notifications Tab
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