
Define Role Step Dialog

Define Role Step Dialog

Save Button

1. Save Button

Save & Exit Button

2. Save & Exit Button

Cancel Button

3. Cancel Button

Step* Field

4. Step* Field
Read only. This is the # field from the BPM Tab Define Steps Section.

Approver(s)* Field

5. Approver(s)* Field
Required. Select one or more roles to act as approvers on the step. The dropdown list includes all of the roles defined for the selected level as well as two special roles: "-- Document Manager --" and "-- Submitter --". If you select more than one role the option "All must approve", below, comes into play.

Review Days*

6. Review Days*
Required. The number of days that can elapse from the day the step becomes active before it is considered overdue.

CC Field

7. CC Field

Manual CC Field

8. Manual CC Field

Event Type(s) Field

9. Event Type(s) Field

Return To Field

10. Return To Field
If the result of the step is the return action, the selection here determines to whom it will be returned. The dropdown list includes all of the steps with a lower # as well as three special choices:
  •  -- Prompt -- - If this is selected, the user taking the return action will be required to select from a dropdown list the step to which the record should be returned. The list will include all role steps which have already been active for that record.
  •  -- Previous Approver -- - The record will be returned to the last role step that was active
  •  -- Submitter -- - The record will be returned to the user who submitted it into workflow

Resubmit To Field

11. Resubmit To Field
If a record is being resubmitted, the selection here determines to whom it will be resubmitted. The dropdown list includes all of the steps with a higher # as well as three special choices:
  •  -- Returner -- - The record will be resubmitted to the role step that returned it
  •  -- Farthest Approver -- - The record will be returned to the role step with the highest # that has already been active in the record
  •  -- Resume Workflow -- - The record will move to the step with a # one higher than the step it was returned to

RAM Field

12. RAM Field

Instructions Field

13. Instructions Field
Instructions entered here will be displayed on the Workflow Tab and can be inserted into Workflow/Setup/Email Templates.

All Must Approve Checkbox

14. All Must Approve Checkbox
  • If only one role is selected in the Approver(s)* field, this checkbox has no effect.
  • If more than one approver is selected and this box is checked, all of the users in all of the roles on the step must take the approve action before the step is considered approved and the record moves forward to the next step.
  • If more than one approver is selected and this box is unchecked, as soon as one user in one role takes the approve action the step is considered approved and the record moves forward to the next step.

Can Edit Record Checkbox

15. Can Edit Record Checkbox
If this box is checked, approvers have rights to edit and save the record while it is in workflow even if their security rights do not ordinarily give them those rights

Can Edit Notes Checkbox

16. Can Edit Notes Checkbox
If this box is checked, approvers have rights to add, edit and save notes for the record while it is in workflow even if their security rights do not ordinarily give them those rights

Can Edit Attachments Checkbox

17. Can Edit Attachments Checkbox
If this box is checked, approvers have rights to add, edit and save attachments for the record while it is in workflow even if their security rights do not ordinarily give them those rights

Can Final Approve Checkbox

18. Can Final Approve Checkbox
If this box is checked, approvers can select the "Final Approve" radio button in the Workflow Tab Actions Section even if they are not the last step in the business process

Require Comments Checkbox

19. Require Comments Checkbox

Allow Delegating Checkbox

20. Allow Delegating Checkbox
If this box is checked, approvers can select the "Delegate" radio button in the Workflow Tab Actions Section.

Team Input Checkbox

21. Team Input Checkbox
If this box is checked, approvers can click the "Team Input" button in the Workflow Tab Actions Section.

Display Email Buttons Checkbox

22. Display Email Buttons Checkbox
If this box is unchecked, action buttons - Approve, Final Approve, and Reject, for example - will not be visible in emails sent for this step even if their tokens are in the email template.

Notify On All Section

23. Notify On All Section
Each of the approvers, CCs, and manual CCs on the step will receive email and/or onscreen messages each time the selected actions occur

Generate Records Section

24. Generate Records Section