Fields with colored backgrounds are recalculated each time the Calculate button is clicked or any field is edited (if "Auto-calculate" is selected) unless you lock them by clicking the Lock icon.
 Save & Exit Button
 Cancel Button
 Calculate Button
Click this button to recalculate the fields with colored backgrounds. Locked fields will not change.
 Auto-calculate Checkbox
If this box is checked, each time any field is edited the fields with colored backgrounds will be recalculated. Locked fields will not change.
 Actual Amount Field
Enter an amount here - typically the tenant's net or gross income.
 Overages Table
 Overage Amount Field
Calculated as the sum of the Overage column in the table. Click the unlock icon to directly edit the field and then click the icon again to lock that value. The value in this field is copied into the Overage Amount field in the Lease Administrator Overages Tab Table when the Save & Exit button is clicked.