PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Drawing Area
The drawing area contains a locked background layer which displays the image file selected in the PMWeb Viewer Header Fields. Tools selected in the PMWeb Viewer Header Toolbar or the context menu described below can be used to draw or place symbols on top of the image layer.
Elements can be moved and resized within the drawing area. With the arrow cursor tool selected, hover over an element - for drawing elements, such as rectangles, they will seem to glow - and then right click. The edit context menu appears:

If you select "Move & Resize" special handles appear on the element:

Click the center circle and drag to move the element to a different position within the drawing area. Click either of the outside circles and drag to resize the element. When you have finished editing the element hover over it until it glows again, right click, and select "End Edit". In most cases you can also double click on the element to end edit mode. If you do not take the End Edit action your changes will not be saved, even if Autosave is checked in the PMWeb Viewer Header Toolbar.
Use the same hover and right click technique to delete elements. Elements can also be deleted using the PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Actions Flyout.

![]() This is an example of a rectangle. The color was determined by the selection in the Color Button and the line thickness was determined by the selection in the Line Weight button in the PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Toolbar at the time the drawing action started.
![]() This is an example of a record link symbol. The background color was determined by the selection in the Color Button in the PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Toolbar at the time the symbol was placed. The number is automatically assigned by PMWeb.
Clicking the symbol opens this dialog:
![]() Click the ID hyperlink to navigate to the linked record.
![]() This is an example of a note symbol. The background color was determined by the selection in the Color Button in the PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Toolbar at the time the symbol was placed. The number is automatically assigned by PMWeb.
Clicking the symbol opens this dialog:
![]() Click the Edit hyperlink to open the note edit dialog (see PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Toolbar for information about creating notes).
![]() This is an example of a cloud. The color was determined by the selection in the Color Button and the line thickness was determined by the selection in the Line Weight button in the PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Toolbar at the time the drawing action started.
![]() You can right click anywhere in the drawing area to open this context menu. All of the drawing and symbol tools that are available in the PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Toolbar are also available in the context menu.
![]() This is an example of a text stamp. The color was determined by the selection in the Color Button in the PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Toolbar at the time the symbol was placed. Values defined in Lists: "PMWeb Viewer (Stamp)".
![]() This is an example of a line. The color was determined by the selection in the Color Button and the line thickness was determined by the selection in the Line Weight button in the PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Toolbar at the time the drawing action started.
![]() This is an example of an ellipse. The color was determined by the selection in the Color Button and the line thickness was determined by the selection in the Line Weight button in the PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Toolbar at the time the drawing action started.
![]() This is an example of a multi-line. The color was determined by the selection in the Color Button and the line thickness was determined by the selection in the Line Weight button in the PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Toolbar at the time the drawing action started.
![]() This is an example of an image stamp.
Image stamps are defined in PMWeb Viewer Settings and may be filtered by the PMWeb Viewer Settings Tab.
![]() This is an example of a label. The text color was determined by the selection in the Color Button in the PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Toolbar at the time the symbol was placed.
See PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Toolbar for information about creating labels.