PMWeb Viewer Redlining Tab Actions Flyout
The flyout table lists all of the actions taken in the drawing area. All fields in the table are read only.
 Save Button
 Delete Button
 Refresh Button
 Layouts Button
 Pin Button
Click this button to pin the flyout at its current width. Pinning locks the Resize bar, described below, and moves the drawing area to the right of the flyout. Click this button again to unpin.
 Collapse Button
This button only appears when the flyout is not pinned. Click to collapse the flyout.
 Resize Bar
This resize bar only appears when the flyout is unpinned. Hover over the bar until you see a two headed cursor, click, and drag right or left to resize the flyout.
 Select Checkbox
To delete multiple records at once, use this selection checkbox.
 Action Field
The type of action taken
 Description Field
Text is displayed here for some, but not all, action types. For example, if this is a record link the ID and description of the record appears here.
 ID Field
PMWeb assigns a sequential number, beginning at 1, to each action of its type.
 User Field
The name of the user who took the action
 Date Field
The date and time that the action was saved
 Company Field
The company that the user belongs to
 Link Type Field
If the action is a record link this field displays the record type - "Submittal Sets", for example
 Hyperlink Field
If the action is a record link this field displays the system ID of the record and is a hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to navigate to the linked record.
 Page Field
This field displays the page number of the image file in which the action was taken