This control shows the current average rating of all of the ratings in the
Ratings Tab with the Use field checked, expressed in "stars". The number in parentheses is the number of ratings that have been saved. Click and drag your cursor across the star symbols to initiate a rating. Ratings can range from 0-5 starts and may include fractions.
 Rating Field
Defaults to "3" but may be edited. Click and drag your cursor, from left to right, across the start symbols to create a rating number. Ratings can range from 0-5 stars and may include fractions.
 Date* Field
Required. Defaults to today's date but may be edited. Date Field
 User* Field
Required. Defaults to the current user but may be edited. User Field
 Comments Field
A basic text field
 Use Checkbox
Default is checked but may be edited. Check this box to include the rating in the average, as shown in the tab label and the Rate This Record Control.