  • 3D Viewer
  • Adjustments
  • Advanced Multi-currency
  • Bid Leveling
  • Cash Flow
  • Date Field
  • Funding
  • Req. Codes
  • Revised Units/Values

Companies Header Toolbar

Companies Header Toolbar

Select Record Dropdwon

1. Select Record Dropdwon

Search Record Dropdown

2. Search Record Dropdown

Add Record Button

3. Add Record Button

Delete Record Button

4. Delete Record Button

Print Button

5. Print Button

Inactive Toggle Button

6. Inactive Toggle Button

Import Button

7. Import Button
You can use this function to import one or more companies from a delimited file.
Click the down arrow next to the button and select "Records" from the dropdown menu. This dialog opens:
To use the dialog:
  • Click the Browse button and select a delimited file
  • Click the Upload button
  • In line in the table click the Import File Field and select a field in the delimited file to map to the PMWeb field. (PMWeb will automatically map fields if their name in the delimited file matches the name in the PMWeb Field column.)
  • Click the Save button
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