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Workflow Tab

If a record is configured to use PMWeb Visual Workflow (see Workflow) this tab automatically appears in it. This tab is used to take workflow related actions on the record, including the initial submission of it, and a log of all actions is kept here.
Workflow Tab


Use this section of the Workflow tab to take an action. Click the Submit button to begin a workflow business process:
After you click the Submit button, the Workflow tab is refreshed to show the business process that will be applied and Save and Cancel buttons will appear in the Actions section:
 Click Save to execute the submit action and start the business process. If you click the Cancel button, the Submit button will reappear and no workflow action will take place.
After you click the Save button, Workflow Action buttons appear (The buttons that appear and the ones that are enabled may vary, depending on settings):
  • Approve Radio Button - If this radio button is selected, when you click the Save button:
The step will be logged as "Approved"
The step will disappear from your workflow inboxes and the inboxes of any delegates or team input members
The step will also be removed from the inboxes of any other approvers if this is a multi-approver step with "Any can approve" option selected
If configured, workflow messages will be sent to selected people
You will not be able to take another action for this step
  • Return Radio Button - If this radio button is selected, when you click the Save button:
If configured, you will be prompted to select the person to whom the record should be returned. (If you are not prompted, PMWeb will automatically return it to the correct person.)
The step will be logged as "Returned"
The step will disappear from your workflow inboxes and the inboxes of any delegates or team input members
The step also be removed from the inboxes of any other approvers if this is a multi-approver step with the "Any can approve" option selected
The record Status field will be marked as "Returned"
If configured, workflow messages will be sent to selected people
You will not be able to take another action for this step
  • Reject Radio Button - If this radio button is selected, when you click the Save button:
The step will be logged as "Rejected"
The step will disappear from your workflow inboxes and the inboxes of any delegates or team input members
The step also be removed from the inboxes of any other approvers if this is a multi-approver step with the "Any can approve" option selected
The record Status field will be marked as "Rejected" and the record will be locked for editing
If configured, workflow messages will be sent to selected people
You will not be able to take another action for this step
  • Withdraw Radio Button - If this radio button is selected, when you click the Save button:
The step will be logged as "Withdrawn"
The step will disappear from your workflow inboxes and the inboxes of any delegates or team input members
The step also be removed from the inboxes of any other approvers if this is a multi-approver step with the "Any can approve" option selected
The record Status field will be marked as "Withdrawn" and the record will be locked for editing
If configured, workflow messages will be sent to selected people
You will not be able to take another action for this step
  • Final Approve Radio Button - If this radio button is selected, when you click the Save button:
The step will be logged as "Final Approve"
The step will disappear from your workflow inboxes and the inboxes of any delegates or team input members
The step also be removed from the inboxes of any other approvers if this is a multi-approver step with the "Any can approve" option selected
The record Status field will be marked as "Approved" and the record will be locked for editing
If configured, workflow messages will be sent to selected people
You will not be able to take another action for this step
  • Delegate Radio Button - As soon as you click this radio button, the Delegate Step Dialog opens. After closing the delegate step dialog you must click the Save button for the action to take effect. If you delegate the step you are still allowed to take your normal workflow actions such as approving the step which will automatically cancel the delegation. Note that delegating does not remove the step from your workflow inboxes
  • Comment Radio Button - Use this button to submit a comment into the Workflow Tab Workflow Log Section without moving the record forward or back in the business process. You can create comments as often as you wish if you are the current approver. Clicking the radio button clears the displays a large comment box. Type your comment and then click the Save button.
  • Save Button - After selecting the radio button for Approve, Return, Reject, Withdraw, Final Approve, or Delegate you must click this button for the action to take effect.
  • Delete Workflow Button - Clicking this button clears all workflow activity from the record and allows the record to resubmitted.
  • Team Input Button - Click this button to open the Team Input Dialog. Note that adding/editing team input does not remove the step from your workflow inboxes.
  • Instructions - If instructions were included in the business process, they appear in this section as well.


  • Subject Field - Read only. The subject of the email message as configured in Email Templates.
  • Comments Field - Type comments about your action here. Comments will be logged and, if configured in Email Templates they will appear in the workflow email message.
  • Email Body Field - Read only. The body of the email message as configured in Email Templates.
  • Add CC Field - Type email addresses here of people who would not normally receive a message from this step. Separate addresses by semicolons (;).


Use this section of the workflow tab to view the business process as it is designed and, if you are authorized, to edit the process by changing roles. You can expand the section by clicking the plus button to the left.
  • Expand Branch Button - Click this button to expand a branch rule step to see its steps in a sub-table. Click again to collapse the sub-table.
  • Edit Line Button - Click this icon to open the line for editing. Only authorized Document Managers can edit this table.
  • Step # Field - Read only. See Business Processes (BPM) Tab.
  • Type Field - Read only. The icons indicate that the step is an approver step or a branch rule step.
  • All Must Approve Checkbox - Read only.  See Business Processes (BPM) Tab.
  • Due Date Field - Calculated as today plus the number of review days allowed but may be edited.
  • Role Field - Select a role from the list.
  • User Field - Read only. The name of the user assigned to the role or the name of the branch rule.
  • Delegate Field - Read only. If the step has delegates they will appear here.
  • Instructions Field - Type instructions here.
  • RAM Field - Read only.  See Business Processes (BPM) Tab.


 Use this section of the workflow tab to view the workflow log and view and resend workflow email messages. You can expand the section by clicking the plus button to the left.
All fields in the table are read only. Click the email button to open the Resend Message(s) Dialog.


Use this section of the workflow tab to view the defined business process in chart form. You can expand the section by clicking the plus button to the left.
  • Show... Radio Buttons - Click to show either the role or the user in approver steps
  • Rectangles - Rectangles represent role steps. Click the rectangle to open the Define Role Step Dialog.
  • Lozenges - Lozenge shapes represent branch rule steps. Click the lozenge to open the Define Branch Rule Dialog.
  • Branch Rule Button - A button appears below lozenges. Click the button to drill down on the branch to see its steps.
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